Adaptive and Positive Behavior

Life Skills

Assistance with the Development of Everyday Skills, with a Particular Focus on Building Confidence and Independence

Enhance Capabilities for Improved Lifestyle

Understanding Life Goals for Upgraded Autonomy

The development of daily living and life skills focuses on the training and development activities carried out by the participant or their caregiver to increase their capacity to live as independently as possible. These activities may include supports that will improve the participant's ability to travel, use public transportation on their own, practice and maintain personal hygiene on a regular basis, among other things. The capacity for adaptable and constructive behavior known as "life skills" enables people to successfully navigate the demands and difficulties of daily life. At Agility HomeCare, we provide assistance with daily tasks and life skills, working with your objectives and collaborating with you, your family, or caregivers to set up supports for the improvement of daily skills, with an emphasis on boosting self-assurance and independence. We also help you develop your capacity for independent life and communication, offering services to help you and your families or caregivers deal with all the issues you experience on a daily basis.We offer training that can involve daily living skills, communication and social skills, problem-solving, and managing the funding of services, either individually or through group activities. 

Best-in-Class Services for Enhanced Dexterity

NDIS-Supported Services to Build Living Aptitude
  • Sanitation and Environment Cleanliness
  • Strength and Robustness
  • Money Skill Development
  • Safe Transport
  • Communication Development
  • Healthy Habit Development
  • Problem Solving Skill Development
  • Advocating for Your Needs
  • Regulating Emotions and Handling Difficult Situations

How We Assist Your Life Skill Development

The main objective at Agility HomeCare is increasing independence and quality of life to enhance daily living and life skills, not only for the person themselves but also for their family and caregivers.