Obtain and Retain High-Quality

Accommodation Tenancy Support

Get prompt NDIS-approved support and guidance to obtains/retains appropriate accommodation, including rental tenancy or tenancy obligations.

Melbourne CBD - Southbank Apartment 1
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Kitchen & Living Room
Melbourne CBC - Southbank Apartment 2
2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
Kitchen & Living Room
Melbourne CBD - Albert Park
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Kitchen & Living Room
Melbourne CBD - Flagstaff
2 bedrooms
1 bathroom
Swimming Pool

Supporting You in Achieving Your Housing Goals

One-on-One Assistance in Individual Case Planning

In order to help you reach your housing objectives, our Accommodation and Tenancy service involves evaluation and creation of customized case planning, coordination with other providers, and capacity development support. According to your needs and objectives, our housing and tenancy aid may consist of helping in the creation of housing objectives, coordinating with DHHS, property managers, or landlords to determine obstacles to preserving tenancies at risk, and determining and putting into practice methods to keep current tenancy for our clients. We expertly investigate different housing alternatives and assist with applications for private rentals for our clients. From helping applicants submit DHHS rental applications to assisting participants in obtaining DHHS Bond Loans and necessities for the home, our NDIS-approved services aim to help clients achieve their housing goals. We support with budgeting, as well as coordinating with utility companies and providing support for utility relief grants. Our service also includes increasing our client’s ability to find long-term housing with more independence. 

Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy Obligations

Overcome Barriers That Impact Current Tenancy or Explore & Obtain Alternative Housing
  • Guiding participants to reevaluate or create housing objectives
  • Coordinating with DHHS, property managers, or landlords to determine obstacles to preserving tenancies at risk
  • Determining and putting methods into practice to keep current tenancy
  • Investigating different housing alternatives
  • Assisting with applications for private rentals
  • Helping applicants submit DHHS rental applications
  • Assisting participants in obtaining DHHS bond loans and necessities for the home
  • Support with budgeting
  • Coordinating with utility companies and providing support to access utility relief grants
  • Increasing ability to find long-term housing with more independence

How We Support Your Accommodation and Tenancy Needs

As a fully accredited and highly skilled NDIS provider, Agility HomeCare is dedicated to assisting NDIS members with wherever they need. Our services are especially intended to help people whose plans include SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation).